It’s About the Children, Not the Parents

It’s About the Children, Not the Parents

It’s About the Children, Not the Parents

This post is part of our ongoing series in honor of 2021 National Volunteer Week. Today’s post is contributed by Sue Weber.

I had heard of CASA and had always had an interest in learning more about it. I went to a luncheon sponsored by CASA, and a dear friend of mine got behind the podium and spoke about his childhood in foster care. I had no idea that he had experienced this rough road, but I was amazed at how he turned it all into a positive ending.

I knew then that I wanted to get involved with CASA, because I had the resources, patience, and knowledge that could help one or even many children. My concern was how could I deal with a parent that put their child in this situation.

You will come to learn that there are many reasons why, and that parents are not your focus. It is the child(ren) and what is best for them.   

I have only been a CASA volunteer for two years, but I know I am in it for the long term. My first case was a learning experience and I was alerted that it was going to be a tough case. I thought this case was going to be a walk in the park and have a happy ending. As soon as I said those words out loud, the bottom fell out over night. Anything and everything that could go south did, and in a New York City minute. My supervisor gave me all the advice and guidance that I needed and we did everything we could to calm the waters.

These children need us. Just as every child is different so is every case. 

The most important thing we can do for foster children is to be a constant in their lives. This consistency will build trust, and once the trust is established then the communication will flow. It is extremely rewarding as you see the growth in your child and in the relationship that you build with them.

In the beginning, you will be the first to reach out to your assigned child(ren), but the day will come when they reach out to you. This is a day to be celebrated, because your dedication and hard work is paying off. This is priceless and worth all your time and effort.

Make a difference and be the difference in a child’s life.