Get to know the Board: Christopher D. Buck

Get to know the Board: Christopher D. Buck

Get to know the Board: Christopher D. Buck

How many years have you been on the CASA Board?

I have been on the Board for the last 11 years. Currently I serve as both Immediate Past President, and Secretary.

Tell us about your time outside CASA. Any career highlights to share?

Currently, I am Director of the Business and Litigation Practice Group at Frost and Associates in the Annapolis office.  I am a member of the  Maryland, New York, Washington D.C. and Virginia State Bars–as well as the Federal bars in Maryland and Washington D.C. 

How did you come to learn about CASA?

I had a chance meeting with our Executive Director, Rebecca Tingle outside of the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, which resulted in my application to and acceptance on the Board.  Rebecca’s passion in discussing the program and the mission solidified my decision to become a part of the organization.

What inspired you to get involved with CASA?

I have a strong desire to help those without any ability to help themselves, especially children who are in the foster care system.

Tell us more about what you like to do in your spare time:

I like to explore new cities, enjoy the great outdoors and spend time with my family.

What’s something fun and quirky about you?

I love to watch curling!