You Have Been The Difference

You Have Been The Difference

You Have Been The Difference

As we approach the end of our fiscal year, you might be wondering how your giving of time and money has helped children in need in Anne Arundel County.

Are you on Instagram? So are we! Follow us… @annearundelcasa

Although we have another 2 weeks before moving into next year’s goals, here is a snapshot of this year so far.

  • We have 99 wonderful CASA’s assigned to 118 children
  • There were 43 new CASA’s trained
  • There were 41 new children appointed a CASA’s
  • Of 37 cases of children that closed, 34 (92%) found a safe, stable, loving home.

Thank you for being CASA volunteers. Thank you for your kind donations of time and money.

Thank you for being the difference in the lives so many children in our community!