John’s Story

John’s Story

John’s Story

John’s mother died of a drug overdose when he was a toddler, leaving him in the care of his alcoholic father. At his father’s hand, he suffered physical abuse, degradation and humiliation. He was also neglected, frequently being left alone with no food or electricity in the home.

As John grew, the abuse that he suffered began to take its toll. John struggled in school and fell behind. He began to drink and use drugs. He got in trouble with the law. By the time John entered foster care at age 14, he was a bitter, angry, and distrustful young man.

When John was first removed from his father’s care, he continued to abuse drugs. He would run away from the various homes into which he was placed. He was failing school. Then, John met Anthony, his CASA volunteer.

At first, John did not trust Anthony. While Anthony faithfully visited John every week, he remained sullen and withdrawn. It wasn’t until Anthony stood up in court and told the judge how much potential John had and how he believed that John could accomplish anything, that things began to turn around. With Anthony’s constant encouragement and support, John’s outlook began to change. With John’s emerging trust in people, he was able to begin building a relationship with his foster parents. He began to do well in school and he started to receive counseling to deal with the abuse that he suffered. Anthony also encouraged him to enter a vocational program.

Last year, Anthony watched proudly as John walked across the stage to receive his high school diploma. Once he graduated, John secured employment as a plumber’s assistant, and is working toward obtaining his plumber’s license. He also saved up enough money to put a down payment on a truck. Anthony and John continue to look forward to their weekly visits, and Anthony is extremely pleased to see John developing into an adult. An adult, who, with the assistance of his CASA, was able to overcome the obstacles of his childhood.
