Adam, Julie and Sam’s Story
Three Siblings Find A Loving & Permanent Home
Adam 8, Julie 6, and Sam 4, were found living amid garbage and feces. The children were filthy and they reeked. They had not eaten for 24 hours and had no clean clothes. There was not a book or toy to be found in their dingy basement apartment. None of the children had ever seen a doctor or dentist, and had never attended school. Ms. Kline made the decision to neglect her children. She also made the decision to abuse them. Their fragile little bodies were covered in bruises and welts.
Adam, Julie, and Sam were removed from their mother’s care and placed into a temporary foster home.
When Kate became a CASA volunteer, she made a decision to lend a voice to children who could not speak for themselves. She made a commitment to ensure that the best possible decisions were made for these children. Where should they live? What do they need? These were two of the immediate questions that Kate needed to address.
For two years, Kate visited the children weekly. Over time, she observed that if the children were not looking at you, they did not know that you were speaking to them. Kate discovered that they all needed hearing aids. She noticed that when they finally began speaking to her, their speech was difficult to understand. Kate made sure that they received speech therapy. She noticed that when playing catch with Adam, he had difficulty throwing the ball. Kate made sure he was evaluated and he was diagnosed with intellectual disabilities. She went to their schools; talked to their teachers, and made sure they had the educational support they needed to be successful.
Thanks to Kate’s efforts, these children were eventually adopted by their foster family. Today, they are almost up to grade level in school. They are clean, well-nourished, and no longer feel the need to hoard food. They are loved and thriving in their new home. Adam loves singing in the school chorus. Sam is happily playing little league baseball. Julie adores animals and has a new hamster she calls Butterball. Each child has a bedroom to call their own.